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Proper Pizza & Pasta™ Pitesti

Strada Strada Victoriei, Nr. 26, bloc 2, parter,
Pitesti (pietonala centrala), jud. Pitesti, Romania
Phone: +40 348 880 115
Email: Formularul de contact (timp raspuns <2 zile lucratoare)

Nume firma: Proinvest Pitesti SRL
Date fiscale: RO48947140, J38/917/2023
Sediul Social: Rm. Valcea, Intrarea Violetelor,
Nr. 10, Bloc N27, Scara A, Ap. 9, jud. Valcea.

Orar Functionare

Luni – Joi: 11:00 – 23:00
Vineri – Sambata: 11:00 – 00:00
Duminica: 12:00 – 23:00

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